Noah Kagan
Noah Kagan

Love Noah Kagan and the way he thought!

You might notice that I have been following him for years. I consider myself to find this kind of person. I think, he is one of the rational kinds of marketer and entrepreneur.

Noah’s YouTube:

Noah’s Newstetter:

1. Daily Action

Daily action is really important. Whatever the situation comes, no matter! The daily action, matters. 

 “Instead of trying to predict your career path, focus on taking daily action”. 

One of the mistakes we do in our 20s, we overthink, but if you take action. The more action, the better!

1. Starting Business

At age of 20s, is the best time to take risk. Once you find the right track, just double-down!

” Meeting with an investor, Crazy business ideas”

whatever the idea is, validate first, and then work on that.

3. Document the Journy of Learning

The best time to learn is now. What you learn just put them online.

No matter, people will see or not, but when you will hit where you want to reach. Then it will work.

4. Learn Copywriting

Communicaton is always required. It is the most powerful tool you ever have. The more you communicate better, the better!

5. Cold Email

Be master of cold email. At some point, it will be an essential tool for your live.

Life is about to selling something either your products or your skills! Cold email will help you to make a greater connection with great people.

6. Build an independent income

Be financially free!

Try as much as side hustle! At the age of 20s, become financially independent is always required. 

7. Have More Patience

No need to mention it! Patience is a great. At some point, you might get demotivated as your friends earning money or doing jobs. 

But your time will come very soon!

8. Don't Jump Early

As you start a lot of side hustles, don’t give up early. 

Wait a bit and give to your friend to nurture it.

9. Read More Biography

Reading is great! More you read, the better.

Biography will give you a whole summary of a great people!

10. Keep a Private Journal

We have private life and public life.

You don’t need share online, just keep it private and write down your thoughts!

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