Let’s make life 10x better

Are you concerned about your productivity? I think you should be. Time is the only commodity in the world that you can never get back. If you lose money, you can recover it. But when time is lost, you will never get it back.

I have been practicing how I can manage my time and how I can get more done. These are the things I found helpful, and these tactics will help you to get more motivated.

1. The Practice of Living Consciously.

I was totally distracted by social media, especially Facebook. I would scroll down all day, and I didn’t even know what I was looking for. As a result, I wasted a huge amount of time on that. Now, I have been tracking all the things I do. From waking up to going to bed, I try to do things consciously, not subconsciously like checking Messenger 2-3 times every half hour.

Whatever you do, do it consciously and know why you are doing it!

2. The Practice of self-acceptance.

Where you are doesn’t matter. Just focus on the outcomes, not the obstacles. Sometimes I judged myself against others, thinking I couldn’t do it. I even used to complain that I didn’t get a chance to study at a good institution. As a result, frustration set in. But now, I have changed my mindset: whatever happened and wherever I am, it’s not a problem. Everything is possible.

Not getting a quality education is my strength, as I have come from a middle-class family.

3. The Practice of self-responsibility

This line is very powerful. I faced huge difficulties 1.5 years ago. The reason I never gave up was self-responsibility. I always think that I have a responsibility. My family is depending on me, and my society is looking at me. When you have this kind of responsibility, you cannot give up.

I asked myself: there are a lot of examples in the world where people made it happen. Why can’t I?

4. The Practice of self-assertiveness

This practice means that you have an ambition that you must fulfill. I used to consume a lot of sugar and Coke. I felt very bad when I did, but I couldn’t get out of the habit. Then I made a firm decision that I must give it up. I should stop. I must lead a healthy life.

If you want to make your dream come true, just make it happen. Only one firm decision can change your life forever.

5. The Practice of living Purposefully

Always ask yourself why. Why do you live? Why are you wasting time on Facebook now?

Whatever you do, make a clear purpose. If you are reading this email, ask yourself why you are reading it.

6. The practice of personal stranded

Make a good rule for yourself. For example, I don’t smoke, but I used to go with my friends when they smoked. The smoke of the cigarette made me feel bad sometimes. Then I set a personal standard that I will not go with them. It’s my personal standard, and it does not suit me.

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